Honor the Brave By Philip West
Owning an original oil painting need not break the bank. You will find our paintings to be reasonably and fairly priced.
As a family business we have low overheads and a passion to always offer the highest quality art at the most affordable prices.
As far as we know we are the only company offering paintings signed shortly after they were completed, either by WW2 aircrew or Concorde pilots.
Each is unique and can never be replicated. Imagine your pride in owning a painting signed by these distinguished crew – what a talking point!
All the paintings listed are painted in oil and on canvas. They can be supplied either framed or unframed.
If you would like further information or would like to buy one, please either email Steve Downes, CEO of Sunset Aviation Art
One of the last aircraft to come aboard following the day’s combat actions was the (photo-bird) RF-8G Crusader.
Unarmed, apart from cameras and film, the eyes of the fleet pilots roamed far and wide throughout Vietnam to bring back vital post-strike photographs and reconnaissance information.
The USS Coral Sea represented one of twenty-one attack and anti-submarine carriers deployed to the Gulf of Tonkin. Their crews displayed courage, duty, sacrifice and service.
Honor the Brave By Philip West
Our price £2,495.00
Framed size: 36 x 16 inches
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